Quick Start Guide: Mutiny Wallet

Mutiny is a self-custodial Lightning wallet that started out as a progressive web app (PWA), and is now also available for Android and iOS.

With its recent support for the fedimint protocol (a couple of months as of this writing), getting started is super simple.

Fedimint makes it so much easier to receive your first sats. Instead of opening a lightning channel on your first receive, with a minimum of 100k sats to get started, you can get started on a fedimint with as few as 1 sat.

Mutiny Blog

This guide will go over the steps to get up and running with your first federation via the PWA.

1. Go to app.mutinywallet.com

Note #1: At this point, you’re going to want to add the app to your home screen before continuing. Otherwise, you’ll have to start over or import your wallet.

Note #2: Running more than once instance of the wallet on the same device causes issues hence the importance of #1

I learned this lesson after completing all the steps in this guide before adding the app to my Home Screen.

2. If you want to import your Nostr profile or create a new one, you can do that here. Otherwise, tap “Skip for now.”

3. Once you’re on the main screen, tap “Receive your first sats.”

4. In order to receive your first sats without opening a Lightning channel, you’ll have to join a federation at this point.

Unless you have an invite code, go ahead and select from the list of available federations. Since they’re relatively new, there might not be many options although you can’t go wrong with the one recommended by ODELL and Tony.

5. You’re now ready to create your first receive, which you can do by pressing the plus button at the bottom right on the main screen.

Boom! How easy was that? Congrats on joining your first federation and running fedimint. Happy stacking!

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